Overview of posts
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- April, 28, 2017: 2017 Hanes Brands Case Competition
- April, 13, 2017: rotationForest 0.1.3 submitted to CRAN
- August, 23, 2016: New article: Evaluating the Importance of Different Communication Types in Romantic Tie Prediction on Social Media
- July, 5, 2016: New article: The added value of auxiliary data in sentiment analysis of Facebook posts
- June, 8-10, 2016: 2016 JPIM/MSI Research Workshop: Innovation in Data-Rich Environments
- April, 29, 2016: 2016 Hanes Brands Case Competition
- April, 15, 2016: Seminar talk dr. Hamparsum Bozdogan
- April, 15, 2016: Thesis presentation Rachel Van Deventer
- April, 8, 2016: Seminar talk dr. Robert Mee
- February, 18-20, 2016: Visit dr. Dominique Hanssens
- March, 19, 2016: interpretR 0.2.4 submitted to CRAN
- December, 11, 2015: New article: Matthias Bogaert, Michel Ballings, Dirk Van den Poel (2016). The Added Value of Facebook Friends Data in Event Attendance Prediction, Decision Support Systems. Forthcoming
- November, 10, 2015: Business Analytics Forum
- September, 30, 2015: interpretR 0.2.3 is now on CRAN
- June, 23, 2015: interpretR 0.2.3 is now on CRAN
- June, 16, 2015: New article: Ballings, M., Van den Poel, D., Bogaert, M. (2015), Social Media Optimization: Identifying an Optimal Strategy for Increasing Network Size on Facebook, Omega, Forthcoming.
- May, 25, 2015: hybridEnsemble 1.0.0 is now on CRAN